The impact of quality of work-life and burnout on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable (case study on employees of pt inkabiz indonesia)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of work-life quality and burnout on employee output combined with contentment at work as a mediating variable. This is a quantitative research study with 85 PT Inkabiz Indonesia employees as the sample. A probability sampling combined with simple random sampling was the sample method employed. A questionnaire was used to gather data, which SmartPLS software assisted in analyzing using partial least squares (PLS). The study's findings indicate that: 1) job satisfaction is significantly impacted by quality of work-life; 2) burnout is significantly impacted by quality of work-life; 3) quality of work-life is significantly impacted by performance; 4) burnout is significantly impacted by performance; 5) job satisfaction is greatly influenced by performance; 6) quality of work-life is significantly impacted by performance combined with contentment in one's work acting as an intervening variable; and 7) burnout is significantly impacted on output and contentment in one's work acting as an variable
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