A cashless government: an essential internal control system to halt cultural fraud


Nuriat Adzariat
Ima Mayasari


The idea of a cashless society has attracted attention because of its potential to transform financial transactions. The shift toward a cashless government presents a valuable opportunity to modernize public services, increase transparency, and promote financial inclusion. If all transactions occur electronically, it has potential to decrease corruption and curb cultural fraud. However, it comes with challenges. Governments must carefully design and implement strategies to address issues related to digital infrastructure, cybersecurity, digital literacy, and the inclusion of vulnerable populations. This academic study aims to examine the research gap concerning the implementation of a cashless government as a crucial ICS. By examining the benefits, challenges, and potential risks linked to the approach, we can gain a clearer understanding of its potential, effectiveness and feasibility as a solution. Due to the significant cultural influence in corruption attempts, a resilient ICS is crucial. By doing so, they can fully leverage the advantages of a cashless system, ensuring its benefits reach all regional area throughout Indonesia. This transition is a complex but essential part of digital evolution



How to Cite
Adzariat, N., & Mayasari, I. (2024). A cashless government: an essential internal control system to halt cultural fraud. Enrichment : Journal of Management, 14(4), 570-580. https://doi.org/10.35335/enrichment.v14i4.2020


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