Locus of control and its influence on employee performance the mediation role of work motivation
This study aims to explore the influence of internal and external locus of control on employee performance, with work motivation as a possible mediator. Locus of control is a psychological concept that refers to the tendency of individuals to assess the extent to which they have control over events in their lives. Work motivation, on the other hand, is an internal or external drive that drives an individual to achieve goals and do a good job. Previous research has shown that individuals with internal locus of control tend to perform better in the workplace, but there is still a need to better understand how the locus of control affects employee performance, as well as the factors that may mediate those relationships. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that work motivation can act as a mediator in the relationship between locus of control and employee performance. It is hoped that the results of this study will provide valuable insights for human resource managers and practitioners in designing policies and practices that support optimal employee engagement and performance. With a better understanding of the factors that affect employee performance, organizations can develop more effective strategies for motivating and retaining high-quality employees, positively impacting the company's overall productivity and success
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