Analysis of the management of village-owned enterprises (bumdes) maju bersama in improving the welfare of the community of besmarak village, kupang regency


Reisanty M. Djami
Surya S. Tarigan
Angel R. Lumalessi


Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) are village businesses managed by the village government and legal entities. The village government can establish it according to the needs and potential of the village. The establishment of BUMDes is determined by local village regulations, and its management consists of the village government and the village community. The existence of BUMDes is expected to be able to take advantage of the existing potential, both human resources and natural resources owned by the village. The existence of BUMDes is expected to increase the village's original income. The existence of BUMDes Maju Bersama of course there are also problems that arise in the community of Besmarak village based on the results of the initial observations made by the author, the things experienced by BUMDes Maju Bersama in Besmarak Village experience several problems where the business of making VCO and making tomato sauce/chili sauce sometimes produces, sometimes does not produce, this is because they have their own busy work,  In addition, their products do not sell well because they do not sell outside the village. So this BUMDes is not their main job, where BUMDes is not the main priority so that their business sometimes runs, sometimes they don't and they are less enthusiastic, even though the spearhead of a business is human resources, in this case the workforce. In addition, administrative problems, in this case, are still lacking, and the natural potential that is available in so much in Besmarak village has not been optimized. Therefore, this study aims to find out the management of BUMDes Maju Bersama Besmarak Village in improving community welfare. This study uses qualitative descriptive research. The data in this study are sourced from primary and secondary data. The data collection technique uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques use qualitative data analysis


How to Cite
Djami, R. M., Tarigan, S. S., & Lumalessi, A. R. (2024). Analysis of the management of village-owned enterprises (bumdes) maju bersama in improving the welfare of the community of besmarak village, kupang regency. Enrichment : Journal of Management, 14(4), 625-631.


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