The impact of financial socialization and financial literacy on saving habits among housewives in Kupang City


Maria Maria
Hans A. Lao
Josefina B. M. Soares


The habit of saving is an important aspect in managing family finances in the midst of growing economic dynamics, especially among housewives. The role of housewives as household financial managers has a significant impact on the overall financial stability of the family. However, in practice, many housewives face challenges in building and maintaining healthy saving habits. Financial socialization and financial literacy are key factors that affect housewives' saving habits. This study explores the relationship between financial socialization, financial literacy, and saving habits among housewives. Through a deep understanding of these factors, it is hoped that this research can provide valuable insights for policymakers, financial institutions, and other related parties in developing effective financial socialization programs and increasing financial literacy among housewives. The purpose of this study is to see the direct or indirect influence of financial socialization and financial literacy on saving habits through attitudes towards money. Attitude towards money itself is one of the factors that form the habit of saving. This study is expected to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that affect saving habits among housewives, so that it can provide a solid basis for the development of educational programs and interventions that are in accordance with the specific needs and characteristics of this segment in society


How to Cite
Maria, M., Lao, H. A., & Soares, J. B. M. (2024). The impact of financial socialization and financial literacy on saving habits among housewives in Kupang City. Enrichment : Journal of Management, 14(4), 550-558.


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