Coordination of the implementation of poverty alleviation programs: a literature review
This article aims to analyze several articles on the topic of coordination in the public sector using the literature review method. Results This study addresses the importance of coordination at different levels of government, organizations, and companies, which is a complex challenge and depends on the specific context. Hegele (2018) found that government coordination is more often focused on structural structuring than policy substance. Shi & Gao (2016) emphasized that the effectiveness of global account management is greatly influenced by operational conditions. Rios (2015) underlines the importance of intergovernmental coordination in addressing drug trafficking in Mexico, while Dieperink et al. (2018) point out that multilevel governance coordination is essential in managing urban flood resilience. These findings emphasize that for poverty alleviation programs, the Indonesia government must build effective multi-stakeholder coordination to ensure the successful implementation of the programs
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