The digitalization of photography art management at MSMEs in Sleman Yogyakarta will use a technology acceptance model.
This study aims to analyze and discuss what variables influence MSME actors in Sleman to use the technology acceptance model associated with digitalizingdigitalizing photography art management. The results of this study are believed to help MSME management in the Sleman area formulate strategic policies related to mobile phone marketing. This study reviews the variables of usability, convenience, security, and privacy in attitudes that influence the intention to use mobile phone users. The data analysis method used in this study is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) program, which has 250 respondents from MSMEs in Sleman who actively use mobile phones. The analysis tool used is Google Forms. The results of the study found that usability, convenience, security and privacy, which are the structure of the Technology Acceptance Model, influence users to continue using mobile phones for their MSME business transactions, which in their marketing practices use social media, namely Instagram, which has a touch of photography art
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