Investigating the drivers of consumer purchase decision: evidence from the stationery industry


Tsamara Galuh Deasty
Baziedy Aditya Darmawan


The domestic stationery manufacturers in Indonesia faces challenges from dynamic business environments, such as intense competition, shifting consumer behaviors, and the influx of imported products, which necessitate strategic efforts to sustain business performance. This study investigates the critical determinants of consumer purchasing decisions within the stationery industry, focusing on perceived value, price perception, and product quality as suggested by existing literatur. Data were collected from 100 individuals who had previously purchased stationery products. The results revealed that perceived value, price perception, and product quality significantly and positively influence purchasing decisions. These findings underscore the pivotal role of strategic pricing, quality improvements, and perceived value in shaping consumer behavior in the stationery industry. The study contributes to existing literature and provides actionable insights for industry practitioners to enhance consumer purchasing decisions which may led to a sustain performance


How to Cite
Deasty, T. G., & Darmawan, B. A. (2024). Investigating the drivers of consumer purchase decision: evidence from the stationery industry. Enrichment : Journal of Management, 14(5), 839-845.


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