Impact of marketing communication strategy through social media to increase brand awareness and purchase intention beauty products


Deas Olivia Syalsabilla
Sidik Budiono


The beauty industry in the Indonesian market is quite competitive with many brands emerging in the last decade, where digitalization has also completely changed how marketing is done through social media. This study is to investigate how brand recognition and purchase intention are affected by social media marketing that incorporates entertainment, interaction, trendiness, personalization, and e-wom aspects. The study was conducted quantitatively on 253 respondents who had used beauty products from the Sephora brand. The study's findings demonstrated that all of the hypotheses were supported, indicating that social media marketing that incorporates trendiness, entertainment, interaction, customization, and e-wom dimensions can significantly and favorably affect both brand awareness and purchase intention


How to Cite
Syalsabilla, D. O., & Budiono, S. (2024). Impact of marketing communication strategy through social media to increase brand awareness and purchase intention beauty products. Enrichment : Journal of Management, 14(5), 947-955.


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