Motivation to become hybrid entrepreneurs in state civil apparatus in Kupang


Indawati J. Nino
Septia S. Dioh
Jesika M. Haki


In the era of globalization and rapid technological development, the concept of hybrid entrepreneurship has emerged as a prominent phenomenon, where individuals manage at least one business while still maintaining a permanent job. This provides benefits in the form of income diversification, incorporation of interests and expertise, and flexibility of time and resources. The growth of technology and global connectivity supports the development of hybrid entrepreneurship through digital platforms and social networks, enabling collaboration and innovation without being limited by geographical boundaries. While it offers great potential, hybrid entrepreneurship also faces challenges such as complex time management, financial issues, and regulations. Further research is needed to understand the factors that influence an individual's decision to engage in hybrid entrepreneurship, as well as the importance of the context of the business environment in supporting the growth of this phenomenon. This research aims to uncover the motivation behind ASN's decision to become a hybrid entrepreneur, fill in the gaps in the literature, and provide insights for the development of policies, education programs, and sustainable business growth


How to Cite
Nino, I. J., Dioh , S. S., & Haki, J. M. (2024). Motivation to become hybrid entrepreneurs in state civil apparatus in Kupang. Enrichment : Journal of Management, 14(4), 616-624.


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