Toxic leadership and its impact on organizational culture: auantitative study on millenial lecturers


Sakina Nusarifa Tantri
Hana Norhamida
Pesi Suryani


At present, a significant number of individuals in the education sector belong to the millennial generation. This generation is crucial for the future development of the education field. This study seeks to explore the effects of toxic leadership on organizational culture, specifically through the perceptions of millennials in higher education institution. Utilizing a quantitative approach, the research gathers primary data via online survey questionnaire. The analysis is conducted using linear regression. A key innovation of this study is that it is focusing on the views of millennial educators concerning toxic leadership and its impact on organizational culture in higher education in Indonesia, since there are lack of literatures in similar topic. As a result, toxic leadership found to negatively impacts organizational culture in higher education institution, based on millenials’ perspectives. The outcomes of this research are anticipated to contribute valuable insights to the existing literature on leadership culture and the dynamics of educational organizations in Indonesia


How to Cite
Tantri, S. N., Norhamida, H., & Suryani, P. (2024). Toxic leadership and its impact on organizational culture: auantitative study on millenial lecturers. Enrichment : Journal of Management, 14(5), 791-802.


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